August 14, 2022
Thank you to everyone who came out to meet Pastor Matthew and Meghan Koleba the weekend of August 7. They felt very welcomed! A big round of applause for the Deaconesses and everyone who helped with food donation and preparation, and the set-up/clean-up following each event.
July 15, 2022
Get ready for an exciting weekend! The Search Committee has selected a pastoral candidate, Matthew Koleba, and is bringing him and his family here for the weekend of August 5-7! We will have several events at the church throughout the weekend:
A dessert night Friday at 7pm - You are welcome to bring a dessert to share.
Saturday morning coffee with the Leadership at 9:30am - for Elders, Deacons/esses, Trustees, Search Team, & Staff
Saturday afternoon a BBQ lunch at 1:30pm - Please bring a salad there will be a sign-up sheet in the foyer
And a light lunch following the service Sunday (Pastor Matthew preaching).
A printed pastoral profile is available in the church foyer.
Also very exciting - we will have multiple baptisms on Sunday, August 7 as well as celebrate the Lord's Supper together so do plan to be here! If you have been thinking about baptism and feel that it's the right time, please speak with Pastor Roger.
Providing all goes to plan, a Special Business meeting is called for Sunday, August 14 following the service for a vote on the Candidate. The Agenda will be posted on the main bulletin board this Sunday, July 31. As per our by-laws, the church membership list has been updated and you have been notified of your status and eligibility to vote.
We encourage all active members in good standing to attend the meeting to vote on the pastoral call to constitute a quorum.
A dessert night Friday at 7pm - You are welcome to bring a dessert to share.
Saturday morning coffee with the Leadership at 9:30am - for Elders, Deacons/esses, Trustees, Search Team, & Staff
Saturday afternoon a BBQ lunch at 1:30pm - Please bring a salad there will be a sign-up sheet in the foyer
And a light lunch following the service Sunday (Pastor Matthew preaching).
A printed pastoral profile is available in the church foyer.
Also very exciting - we will have multiple baptisms on Sunday, August 7 as well as celebrate the Lord's Supper together so do plan to be here! If you have been thinking about baptism and feel that it's the right time, please speak with Pastor Roger.
Providing all goes to plan, a Special Business meeting is called for Sunday, August 14 following the service for a vote on the Candidate. The Agenda will be posted on the main bulletin board this Sunday, July 31. As per our by-laws, the church membership list has been updated and you have been notified of your status and eligibility to vote.
We encourage all active members in good standing to attend the meeting to vote on the pastoral call to constitute a quorum.
June 2022
Our Pastoral Search Committee (Claire, George, Diane, Tim, Janelle, and Chris) is working alongside the Leadership team (Pastor Roger, Hermann, Shaun, Andrew, and Matt) and have received several applications. We ask that you commit to praying for each one, that they discern God's will in choosing a candidate, and include our new pastor on a regular basis.
November 23, 2021
February 3, 2021
Here's a video update from Transitional Pastor Roger Huizinga.
Eight Major Phases of Transition
Our experience in working with churches in transition has helped us to identify eight major phases to a healthy transition process. Some phases require more attention than others depending on the circumstances. These phases are not necessarily a step by step sequential process; often there is overlap between some of the phases.
Transitional Phase |
Description |
Closure |
Assisting the Lead Pastor (and their family) and the church family to finish well, conclude the mode of relationship, mark the occasion with respect/memory/celebration and dignity. |
Regaining Stability |
Addressing the urgent and emergent needs of the church and its ministry in light of the departure of the Lead Pastor. Space to grieve the loss and let go of the past without being rushed on to a new beginning. |
Assessment of Church Health |
Listening to God and His people about how we are, who we are, where we are…and where we are headed. Exploring questions of church health, mission, vision, identity and context in preparation for future search. |
Developing a Transitional Plan |
Creating ways to address the health and vision needs of the church to effectively maintain the current ministry while in transition without a lead pastor. |
Preparing for the Pastoral Search |
Creating a search team, understanding the process and resources available to conduct an effective pastoral search. |
Conducting the Pastoral Search |
Doing the research, interviews, reference checks, pre-candidating, candidating and prayerful discernment needed to reach a decision. |
Hiring a Lead Pastor |
The steps needed to complete the hiring process and welcome a new Lead Pastor effectively. |
Evaluation |
Reflection together about what we have learned and experienced throughout this process. |