In-Person & Streaming LIVE! - every Sunday @ 10:30am
Coming Up:
Church Annual Business Meeting (AGM)
Our Annual General Meeting (AGM) is on Sunday, Feb. 16, 6:30pm at the church. We invite all attendees and members to join us as we review 2024 and look at what's ahead for 2025. The agenda and last meeting minutes will be posted on the main bulletin board on Sunday, Feb. 2. If you are interested in becoming a member of Arrowsmith please speak to Pastor Matt.
Baby Shower
Natasha Hughes and Diane Manthey are hosting a baby shower for Rebekah Pinto (+Baby Samuel) on Saturday, February 22, 2pm at the church for women and girls 10+. Please bring your pre-plated baked goods/finger-ready appetizers to the church on Saturday 22.
Gift ideas: diapers, clothes or Amazon gift cards |
Hot Dog Lunch
Have A Better Marriage Workshop
Join us for a marriage workshop led by Rob and Kelly Nicholls on Saturday, March 8. Rob and Kelly have been counseling couples and leading marriage workshops for the last 10 years. At the workshop, you'll get biblical teaching and practical ways you can improve your marriage. The workshop is free and open to all and childcare is provided. Continental Breakfast is available at 9:00 am and the workshop runs from 9:30-11:30 am.
Please register in advance. We are also planning to run another Alpha Marriage Course in early April. |
Community/Bible Study Groups
Click here for complete information.
Click HERE to join a Community Group or contact one of the hosts/coordinators directly as below.
Click here for complete information.
Click HERE to join a Community Group or contact one of the hosts/coordinators directly as below.
- Kid's Cafe. Meet for a coffee while the kids (0-5) play on the bouncy houses. 9:30-11am in the Clubhouse. Meghan Koleba coordinating.
- 12 Step Support Group, meets at the church from 7-8pm. Contact Rod Grant 250-720-7104 or Sandy Wiebe at 250-730-2258 to register.
- The Nells host a Community Group meeting weekly on Mondays at 7pm at the church. Call Tracy for details at 250-720-9628.
- Picard/Wills Community Group - Meeting on Tuesdays from 5:30-7:30 for a potluck meal and study, Brad & Megan Wills/Marian Pickton alternate hosting. Call or email Janelle Picard to join 604-996-7842.
- Youth Group (Gr. 8-12) & Jr. Youth Group (Gr. 3-7) meet weekly Tuesday nights from 6-7:30pm in the Clubhouse. Contact our Student Ministries Coordinator Melissa Neufeld for more details. Youth (Gr. 8-12) Register HERE, Jr. Youth Register HERE Jr.
- Meghan Koleba hosts a women's Bible study that meets weekly on Wednesdays from 9:30-11am at the church. (Childcare provided) They are doing a 4-week study on the Practice of Prayer.
- Sandy Wiebe hosts a Bible Study in Ephesians weekly on Wednesdays at the church from 10-11:30am.
- Matt & Meghan Koleba host a Community Group with a a potluck meal and study on Wednesdays from 5:30-7:30 at their home. Contact Pastor Matt for details at 250-430-1250.
- Jon & Melissa Neufeld host a Community Group on Wednesdays from 6-7:30pm at the church in the foyer. Call Melissa for details at 250-735-5367.
- Pam Mann hosts a ladies' Bible study on Thursday mornings at the church. Meet for coffee and social time from 9:30-10am, study is from 10-11am.
- The Youth Group (Gr. 8-12) meets a couple of Fridays per month at various locations. Contact Melissa Neufeld for more information.
Kid's Cafe
12 Step Support Group
A Support Group for people in recovery from a variety of personal issues. Focused on learning more about Jesus Christ as the higher power in our lives, it meets weekly on Mondays, at 7:00 pm in the Circle Lounge. Workbooks are provided. Drop-ins welcome.
Please contact Rod Grant at 250-720-7104 to register. |
Youth Group & Jr. Youth Weekly on Tuesdays (Older Youth also some Fridays)
Jr. Youth is for kids grades 3-7. It's a high-energy night filled with exciting games, songs, Bible lessons and friends! It will be the highlight of your kids' week as they grow together, play together, and laugh together. Drop off kids just before 6:00 pm in the Upper Kid's Clubhouse (smaller building) and pick them up at 7:30 pm. 4283 Glenside Rd.
Register your kids HERE. |
Youth Group (Gr.8-12) meets every Tuesday evening of the school year. This month they are meeting in the Clubhouse (smaller building) basement from 6-7:30, plus a couple of Fridays a month. Contact our Student Ministries Coordinator, Melissa Neufeld for details.
Drop In Prayer
Ladies Bible Study
Meets weekly on Thursday mornings at the church. Coffee and social time from 9:30-10am, study from 10-11am. Contact Pam Mann for details.